Photo Credits:Ben Gabbe/Getty Images
The new trending hashtag, #NickiStoppedMyBag has allegedly been started by the Barbs as a joke after reports that Nicki Minaj prevented Future and Cardi B from working together. After the fight between the two female rappers at NYFW Harper’s Bazaar, Cardi took to Instagram and said in a post “I’ve let a lot of shit slide!…I let you attempt to stop my bags, fuck up the way I eat!” which fans says is confirmation of the rumors.
Now Tiffany Foxx of Love And Hip Hop Atlanta, says that Nicki has prevented her from being nominated for awards. Foxx addressed Nicki saying, “Don’t be bitter and don’t be hating on other girls. I’m not saying this just because the masses is saying this. Nicki has definitely interrupted me being on red carpets, times I’m supposed to be nominated—out of nowhere, it’s a problem. And it gets back to me that it’s affiliated with her.” This new hashtag seems to be coming from Nicki’s Barbs themselves by making a joke out of the situation by exaggerating and “blaming” Nicki for things she clearly has had nothing to do with. Nicki even joined in on the fun and made light of the entire situation and made a joke of her own by referencing her verse on “Feeling Myself”. Check out what she and her fans had to say in some of tweets below.
Bag STOPPED! Carry on! Kitty on fle… 🤨.
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) September 26, 2018
Them: NicKI MiNaJ StOpPiNg mY BaGs 🙄❗️ 😭😭@NICKIMINAJ
— BarbieQueen (@nickismymom6) September 26, 2018
Me calling out of work because Nicki is stopping my bags #NickiStoppedMyBag
— Rickey D (@Vaboi0991) September 26, 2018
Nicki with all the bags she’s stopped #NickiStoppedMyBag
— Troy. (@troymarajj) September 26, 2018