Social Media activist Claira Janover joined Nick Cannons Mornings and discussed her recent firing from her then consulting firm company, ‘Deloitte’, being called “Asian Karen” from Ann Coulter, being an advocate for Black Lives Matter, scare tactics used in the media, using TikTok as a platform and more.
The Harvard graduate explained her side of the story on why and how she got fired from her consulting firm. The young activist tells Nick her side of the story. She says “A month ago I made a TikTok that was a satirical analogy that basically embodied via the 15-second clip if anyone says “All Lives Matter”, I’m gonna stab you and while you’re bleeding out I’m going to show you a papercut and say “All Cuts Matter”. It was a way to show, similar to the house burning analogy.” She was referring to the saying “If your house is burning and someone next to you says, well what about my house? All houses matter.” analogy.
She continued, “The hypocrisy of all lives matters supporters saying that, but not understanding. You can say “let’s raise money for cancer” without saying f**k every other terminal disease out there. The connections not drawn, but additionally, even more surprisingly, well not that surprisingly, all lives supporters are wearing shirts like, “blue lives matter” or “white lives matter” clearly they’re sectioning off blue or white isn’t the issue, it’s Black people.”
Check out her whole story in the full interview below: