Photo credit: Getty / Kevin Winter
McDonald’s gifted City Girls’ Yung Miami with a new chain of her favorite item from the menu: small fries.
The food chain restaurant sent Miami the pendant to help welcome her baby girl, Summer, into the world in hopes that one day she too will love fries as much as her mama.
Yung Miami took to Instagram to share the gift and note that was left to her by the food franchise. The note read:
“Congratulations on your soon-to-be small fry! We wanted to help you celebrate in true City Girls style with this specially designed, one of a kind take on your McDonald’s menu item. Enjoy your brand new chain, an iced out McDonald’s World Famous Fry Box, City Girls goin’ Platinum!”
Caresha also expressed how much she loved the gift and dropped a hint to McD’s that she’d like a commercial next.
Now that JT is released and back home, Yung Miami can relax and enjoy her last moments of pregnancy before her daughter arrives. Good for her, since she had been holding down the City Girls during JT’s yearlong prison sentence.
Welcome back JT and congrats to Yung Miami on her new chain and upcoming baby girl.