Photo Credit: @Mrhflrs via Twitter
Ok let’s be honest. We’ve all fallen into a blackhole of a Twitter thread a time or two…in my case it happens every night from 11:30pm-2am but that’s neither here nor there.
This VIRAL twitter thread from user @Mrhflrs will have you choosing sides in this debate of black car VS silver car as if you were actually there. Read this thread in it’s entirety for the biggest plot twist since we found out Darth Vader was actually Luke Skywalker’s father.
— chicken tikka mariah (@Mrhflrs) April 2, 2019
— chicken tikka mariah (@Mrhflrs) April 2, 2019
— chicken tikka mariah (@Mrhflrs) April 2, 2019
— chicken tikka mariah (@Mrhflrs) April 2, 2019
— chicken tikka mariah (@Mrhflrs) April 2, 2019
— chicken tikka mariah (@Mrhflrs) April 2, 2019
— chicken tikka mariah (@Mrhflrs) April 2, 2019
— chicken tikka mariah (@Mrhflrs) April 2, 2019
— chicken tikka mariah (@Mrhflrs) April 2, 2019
— chicken tikka mariah (@Mrhflrs) April 2, 2019
— chicken tikka mariah (@Mrhflrs) April 2, 2019
*DISCLAIMER* some parts of the thread were removed for the sake of time bc hunty she was LONGGGGG!
If you made it to the end CONGRATS! That was what I call an EMOTIONAL rollercoaster people. Idk if its just being an LA native or what but I was invested AF! Also if you’re team silver car I AM JUDGING YOU bc you clearly don’t know the rules of parallel parking etiquette and are not to be trusted.
If you’re real bored and want to see this beautiful thread in its entirety click HERE.