photo credit: Bennett Raglin l Getty Images
Amber Rose told Us Weekly her son is allowed to curse because it is a form of expression.
“I tell him when it’s appropriate and not to say it at school. That’s it.” Rose said.
Rose’s other rule when it comes to cursing is that her son not use the N-word, which she wishes he would quit using. Rose adds that Sebastian picked up the term from his rapper father, Wiz Khalifa.
“I tell him, ‘I’d rather you say f—k,’” she said.
Rose also said that when the time comes, she won’t be afraid to talk to her son about sex and using condoms. The former model revealed that she wants to be very open about her son’s sex life as he gets older. She sees herself being like Barbara Streisand from The Fockers, because that’s how her mom was with her.
I’m going to put them in his drawer next to the bed and be like, ‘I don’t want you to have sex right now, but if you do, this is how to protect yourself.
Is Amber Rose getting ahead of herself considering her son is just in Kindergarten?