
Logan Paul Says He Deserves a Second Chance

Logan Paul Says He Deserves a Second Chance


TMZ caught up with Logan Paul at LAX and asked him if he thinks he deserves a second chance, he then replied “Everyone deserves a second chance.” While seeming stiff and uncomfortable he then goes on to mention that he is going to put out a message soon about YouTube.

Brennen Taylor, friend of Logan Paul and fellow YouTube star, visited #TheCruzShow and talked about Paul and his situation, saying “He could’ve stopped it.” He then went on to say that though he is his friend, he hasn’t reached out to Logan because he does not want to catch a backlash of drama onto him as well. 

Logan Paul caught backlash from his video that he posted on YouTube after filming a dead body in a place called Suicide Forest in Japan. YouTube recently cut ties with Logan Paul as partners, cutting off revenue flow to Paul.