Photo Credit: George Pimentel | Getty Images
This weekend Drake had to bury his friend Anthony “Fif” Soares who was shot in Toronto, Canada. Recently, Drake’s tattoo artist had shared some pieces that he did on Drake, which included a dedication to “Fif”.
Drake was spotted by TMZ at the funeral, and he was captured on film. According to TMZ, “Eyewitnesses tell us Drake did not speak at the procession, and mostly kept to himself. You can tell from the video he’s in deep mourning over Soares’ death … who was just killed a couple weeks ago. As we reported … Soares was gunned down in his apartment lobby by 2 unidentified men. Police released surveillance video of the murder … and it graphically shows him being shot.” You can watch the video of Drake helping out during the funeral for “Fif” below.
WATCH The Video of Drake Burying His Friend HERE: