How many 74-year-old presidential candidates would choose “Where the Hood At” as their introduction song at a campaign rally? Not many. That’s what makes Bernie Sanders unique. Not only does he promote the support for the lower- and middle-class and the end to the drug war, he connects to his potential voters on a more relatable level. The Brooklyn native entered the rally in Lancaster, California, while DMX’s song bumped on the speakers. Is Sanders attempting to get the hood vote? If so, it looks like it’s working, as the Internet is freaking out at the Democrat candidate’s song choice.
No Bernie Sanders did not walk out to DMX…no he didn’t lmao “Where The Hood At”?!? Hahaha yo why?
— LamayahMusic (@MusicNArt)
Bernie sanders came out to DMX at one of his rally’s and y’all still need more reasons to vote for this man!?
— Michael B. Jalen (@RealDealJayWill)
If Bernie Sanders walking out to the podium to “where the hood at” – dmx doesn’t secure the black vote idk what will
Bernie sanders came out at rally today to a DMX song. Yup hes got my vote forsure
— Jake (@__27K)